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Resumen de La administración de la controversia pública como función de las relaciones públicas de una institución pública en Perú (Pandemia COVID-19, 2020 - 2021)

Gina Mercedes Ibarra Caro, Enrique Elías Villanueva

  • español

    La presente investigación tiene como objetivo principal analizar las características de la administración de la controversia pública como función de las relaciones públicas de un municipio, ubicado en Perú, durante la pandemia por la Covid-19, años 2020 - 2021. Para esto, se planteó un enfoque mixto de diseño anidado concurrente. Desde la parte cualitativa se realizó una entrevista semiestructurada a los funcionarios de la municipalidad y un focus group a los vecinos del distrito, entre los 30 y 59 años; mientras que, por el lado cuantitativo, se aplicó una encuesta a 380 vecinos que viven más de cinco años en el distrito de estudio. Con esto se demostró que la gestión municipal de ese periodo tuvo falencias relacionadas con el rol de las relaciones públicas y la administración de la controversia pública. Incluso, se identificó el desconocimiento sobre la importancia de analizar e identificar a los públicos de interés, más aún ante una controversia pública.

  • English

    This work explores the role of public relations in managing public controversies within a municipality in Peru during the COVID-19 pandemic (2020-2021). The study employs a mixed-method approach, incorporating both qualitative and quantitative data to analyse the effectiveness and shortcomings of the municipality's public relations efforts during this period. The research is grounded in established models of public relations and public controversy management. It references the four models of public relations (press agency, public information, two-way asymmetrical, and two-way symmetrical) as described by Grunig and Hunt (2000). Additionally, the study draws on the concept of public controversy management (ACP) as defined by Solórzano and others, emphasizing the importance of early identification and strategic response to potential conflicts.

    The primary objective of the research is to analyse how public controversy was managed as a function of public relations within a municipality in Peru during the COVID-19 pandemic from 2020 to 2021. The study aims to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the municipal management in handling public controversies and the role of public relations in these efforts.

    The research employs a concurrent nested design approach, integrating qualitative and quantitative methods. The qualitative component includes semi-structured interviews with municipal officials and a focus group with district residents aged 30 to 59. The quantitative component consists of a survey administered to 380 residents who have lived in the district for over five years. Key findings of the research are:

    Communication Deficiencies: The study found significant deficiencies in the municipality's communication strategies during the pandemic. The official social media channels exhibited poor bidirectional communication, leading to dissatisfaction among residents.

    Lack of Proactive Measures: The municipality failed to establish proactive measures for managing potential conflicts, resulting in reactive responses that often exacerbated issues.

    Inadequate Public Relations Management: The research identified a lack of understanding and implementation of effective public relations practices, highlighting the need for a dedicated public relations professional within the municipal team.

    Public Perception: The survey results indicated low levels of trust and satisfaction among residents regarding the municipality's management of the pandemic. Over 40% of respondents disagreed with the municipality's efforts to identify, evaluate, and manage public controversies.

    Recommendations for Improvement: The study suggests several improvements, including the need for a strategic public relations plan, better training for municipal communication teams, and enhanced engagement with the community through more effective use of digital platforms.

    Among the implications for the practice, the findings underscore the critical role of public relations in managing public controversies, particularly in times of crisis such as the COVID-19 pandemic. Effective communication strategies, proactive conflict management, and a deep understanding of the community's needs and expectations are essential for maintaining public trust and institutional credibility.

    In conclusion, the study concludes that the municipality's public relations efforts during the COVID-19 pandemic were insufficient and poorly managed, leading to significant public dissatisfaction. The research highlights the importance of strategic public relations practices in managing public controversies and provides actionable recommendations for improving communication and conflict management within public institutions.

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