RESUMEN Este trabajo presenta una caracterización de los grupos tróficos de las comunidades de invertebrados que habitan en tres quebradas y caños de las llanuras aluviales de la Orinoquía colombiana. Los muestreos de las comunidades se realizaron en tres arroyos durante los meses de julio de 2016, octubre de 2016 y enero de 2017). En tramos de 50 m se midieron variables fisicoquímicas [temperatura (°C), oxígeno disuelto (mg l-1 O2), pH, conductividad (µS cm-1), amonio (µg l-1NH4+) y fosfatos (µg l-1 PO4 - )] e hidrológicas (caudal m3 s-1 ); adicionalmente, se tomaron cinco muestras de macroinvertebrados en sustratos rocosos. La diversidad se determinó usando el índice de Shannon, la comparación entre puntos de muestreo se utilizó el índice de Morisita-Horn y para el análisis multivariado de la temporalidad, las variables fisicoquímicas y los organismos se llevó a cabo un Análisis de Redundancias (RDA). Los contenidos estomacales de los individuos recolectados se identificaron para los géneros más representativos. Los Colectores-Recolectores fueron el grupo más abundante y su alto número se mantuvo durante todos los muestreos; sin embargo, su abundancia y riqueza alcanzaron su pico máximo durante la estación seca. El RDA indicó que el caudal y la temperatura permiten explicar, parcialmente, la variación temporal en la ocurrencia y abundancia de los diferentes grupos tróficos. En general, los hallazgos demuestran que los organismos adaptan su dieta a la oferta disponible en su medio, por lo que es importante realizar su clasificación trófica en los diferentes ecosistemas.
ABSTRACT A characterization of the trophic groups of the invertebrate communities in three streams and channels of the alluvial plains of the Colombian Orinoquia is presented. The sampling of the communities was carried out in three streams during July (2016), October (2016), and January (2017). Physicochemical [temperature (°C), dissolved oxygen (mg l-1 O2), pH, conductivity (µS cm-1), ammonia (µg l-1 NH4+ ), and phosphates (µg l-1PO4 -)] and hydrological (flow m3 s-1) variables were measured. In 50 m reaches of each sampling site, five samples of macroinvertebrates were taken in rocky substrates. Organisms were identified, and diversity was determined using the Shannon index. The comparison between sampling points was made using the Morisita-Horn index and the multivariate analysis between temporality, physicochemical variables, and organisms was performed with the Redundancy Analysis (RDA). The stomach contents of the collected individuals were identified for the more representative genera, and each genus was assigned to a specific trophic group according to their intestinal contents and mouthparts. The Collectors-Gatherers were the most abundant group in the three streams, and their high number was maintained during all the samplings. However, their abundance and richness reached their maximum peak during the dry season. The RDA indicated that water flow and temperature partially explain the temporal variation in the occurrence and abundance of the different trophic groups. In general, the findings show that organisms adapt their diet to the offer available in their environment, and therefore it is important to classify them trophically in the different ecosystems.
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