Resumen: Teniendo en cuenta la vital importancia de la morfología ynomenclatura dental para estudios sistemáticos (evolución y clasificación) en mamíferos, y dada laescasa disponibilidad libre de fuentes bibliográficas comprensivas y actualizadas sobre este tema,se realizó está revisión con la intención de que la misma se convierta en un manual básico paracursos de mastozoología y zoología de vertebrados en nuestro medio. Además una revisión como la aquípresentada, ayuda a construir puentes entre la biología y otras profesiones como la odontología, decara a estudios paleontológicos, arqueológicos y forenses. Es por todo esto que se hace un breverepaso de las características distintivas de los mamíferos y se revisan los principales aspectos desu dentadura, como son su evolución, anatomía, nomenclatura y fórmulas dentarias, para con todo estebagaje sacar algunas conclusiones. Rev. Estomat. 2009; 17(1):30-44. Palabras clave: Mamíferos.Incisivos. Caninos. Molariformes. Fórmulas dentales. Evolución y morfología dental. Nomenclaturadental tribosfénica. Summary: Taking into account the vital importance of the morphology and dentalnomenclature for systematic studies in mammals (about evolution and classification), and given thelimited availability of free bibliographic sources updated on this issue, we conducted this reviewwith the aim that it can be a basic textbook for courses in mammalogy and vertebrate zoology.Furthermore, in order to design paleontological, archaeological and forensic studies, this reviewhelps to make connections between biology and other professions such as dentistry. For these reasonswe make a short revision of the distinguishing characteristics of mammals and review the mainaspects about their teeth, such as their evolution, anatomy, nomenclature and dental formulas sothat with all this background, some conclusions can be made. Key words: Mammals. Incisives. Canines.Molariforms. Dental formulas. Dental evolution and morphology. Tribosphenic nomenclature.
Taking into account the vital importance of the morphology and dental nomenclature for systematic studies in mammals (about evolution and classification), and given the limited availability of free bibliographic sources updated on this issue, we conducted this review with the aim that it can be a ba-sic textbook for courses in mammalogy and vertebrate zoology. Furthermore, in order to design paleontological, archaeological and forensic studies, this review helps to make connections between biology and other professions such as dentistry. For these reasons we make a short revision of the distinguishing characteristics of mammals and review the main aspects about their teeth, such as their evolution, anatomy, nomenclature and dental formulas so that with all this background, some conclusions can be made.
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