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Resumen de Comparación de propiedades tensionales de resinas acrílicas de termocurado para la elaboración de bases protésicas

Juán José Castillo, Santiago Herrera Guardiola, Pablo Andrés Rey, Carlos Mejía Pavony, Adriana Jaramillo

  • español

    Resumen: Objetivo: El propósito de éste estudio in vitro fue comparar laresistencia a la tensión entre dos materiales para la fabricación de bases protésicas acrílicas(Veracril® de New Stetic y SR Triplex Hot® de Ivoclar Vivadent), y conocer las propiedades mecánicasde los materiales a estudiar que tienen repercusiones a nivel clínico. Materiales y Métodos: Bajo lanorma técnica de ASTM Internacional # D 638 – 03 se realizaron las pruebas de laboratorio paraevaluar las dos resinas acrílicas para bases protésicas, procesadas mediante mufla prensada clásica.Las observaciones se hicieron por medio de la máquina universal de ensayos marca Tinius Olsen®H50KS, para analizar las propiedades tensionales, como el módulo de elasticidad, elongación, límiteelástico, fuerza máxima, energía, esfuerzo y estrés tensil entre los dos materiales evaluados.Resultados: Para el esfuerzo, la fuerza máxima y el módulo de elasticidad, la resina acrílica dealto impacto SR Triplex Hot® mostró valores mayores. En cuanto a las características dedesplazamiento máximo antes de la ruptura, elongación y la energía, la resina acrílica convencionalmostró valores más altos. La única característica que presentó una diferencia significativa entrelos dos grupos de resinas acrílicas de termo curado fue el módulo de elasticidad donde la de altoimpacto obtuvo un valor mucho mayor que la resina acrílica convencional. Conclusiones:La resinaacrílica SR Triplex Hot® presenta valores mayores en algunas propiedades tensiles, mientras que elVeracril® muestra mejores valores en otras. La única característica que presentó una diferenciasignificativa entre las dos resinas acrílicas fue el módulo de elasticidad. Rev. Estomat. 2011;19(1):20-25 Palabras clave: Bases protésicas de resinas acrílicas. Propiedades tensionales. Resinasacrílicas de alto impacto. Summary: Objective: The purpose of this in vitro study was to compare thetensile strength between two materials for the manufacture of acrylic denture bases (Veracril® fromNew Stetic and SR Triplex Hot® from Ivoclar Vivadent), and to know the mechanical properties ofmaterials to study that have clinical implications. Materials and Methods: Laboratory tests wereconducted under the technical standard of ASTM International # D 638-03 to evaluate the two acrylicresin materials for denture bases, processed by pressed moulding. The observations were made usingthe universal testing machine Tinius Olsen® brand H50KS to analyze the tensile properties such asmodulus of elasticity, elongation, yield strength, maximum strength, energy, effort and tensilestress between the two materials evaluated. Results: For the effort, maximum strength and modulus ofelasticity, high-impact acrylic resin SR Triplex Hot® showed higher values. With regard to thecharacteristics of maximum displacement before the fracture, elongation and energy, conventionalacrylic resin showed higher values. The only characteristic that showed a significant differencebetween the two groups of thermo-cured acrylic resin was the modulus of elasticity where thehigh-impact acrylic resin obtained a much higher value than conventional acrylic resin. Conclusions:The acrylic resin SR Triplex Hot® presents higher values in some tensile properties, while theVeracril® shows better in others. The only characteristic that showed a significant differencebetween the two acrylic resins was the modulus of elasticity. Key words: Acrylic resin denturebases. Tensile strength. High impact acrylic resin.


  • English

    SUMMARYObjective: The purpose of this in vitro studywas to compare the tensile strength betweentwo materials for the manufacture ofacrylic denture bases (Veracril® from NewStetic and SR Triplex Hot® from IvoclarVivadent), and to know the mechanicalproperties of materials to study that haveclinical implications.Methods: Laboratory tests were conductedunder the technical standard of ASTMInternational # D 638-03 to evaluate thetwo acrylic resin materials for denturebases, processed by pressed moulding. Theobservations were made using the universaltesting machine Tinius Olsen® brandH50KS to analyze the tensile propertiessuch as modulus of elasticity, elongation,yield strength, maximum strength, energy,effort and tensile stress between the twomaterials evaluated.Results: For the effort, maximum strengthand modulus of elasticity, high-impactacrylic resin SR Triplex Hot® showedhigher values. With regard to the characteristicsof maximum displacementbefore the fracture, elongation and energy,conventional acrylic resin showed highervalues. The only characteristic that showeda significant difference between the twogroups of thermo-cured acrylic resin wasthe modulus of elasticity where the highimpactacrylic resin obtained a much highervalue than conventional acrylic resin.Conclusions: The acrylic resin SR TriplexHot® presents higher values in some tensileproperties, while the Veracril® showsbetter in others. The only characteristic thatshowed a significant difference betweenthe two acrylic resins was the modulus ofelasticity.Keywords: Acrylic resin denture bases,tensile strength, high impact acrylic resin.

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