RESUMENDiversos estudios clínicos han evaluado la efectividad a corto y largo plazo de los agentes de aclaramiento dental a base de peróxido de hidrogeno (PH), igualmente sus efectos adversos sobre los tejidos duros y blandos, encontrando que la sensibilidad dental y gingival son los más frecuentes, y generalmente son efectos leves y de naturaleza transitoria. Sin embargo, estos estudios solo se basan en observaciones clínicas y percepción de los pacientes. El propósito de esta revisión de tema es describir, basado en la evidencia científica in vitro e in vivo, los principales efectos adversos generados por el PH sobre los tejidos periodontales y sus poblaciones celulares, extrayendo las principales relevancias clínicas que aporten al profesional consejos útiles a la hora de seleccionar y establecer protocolos de manejo clínico en los pacientes que demanden este tipo de tratamiento, procurando reducir injurias a los tejidos de soporte periodontal. Podemos concluir que el uso de estos agentes químicos, aunque siguen generando efectos inmediatos indeseables como la sensibilidad dental e irritación gingival, y basados en la relación dosis-tiempo de exposición, constituyen un tratamiento seguro. No obstante, no se deben subestimar los efectos dañinos potenciales que puede llegar a producir su uso indebido, de allí la importancia de conocer su composición química y los efectos sobre las estructuras que se aplican, y partiendo siempre de una salud dental y periodontal para su aplicación.
Several clinical studies have evaluated theeffectiveness of short and long term bleacheshydrogen peroxide (H2O2 ) agents, alsoits adverse effects on hard and soft tissues,finding that tooth and gingival sensitivityare the most frequent. However, thesestudies only based on clinical observationsand perceptions of patients. The purposeof this review is to describe, based onscientific evidence in vitro and in vivo, themajor side effects generated by H2O2 onperiodontal tissues and cell populations,providing clinical relevance’s to provideclinicians useful advice when selecting andestablishing protocols to patients seekingthis type of treatment, aiming at reducinginjuries to periodontal tissue support. Weconclude that the use of these chemicals,but still generate immediate undesirableeffects such as tooth sensitivity and gingivalirritation, and based on the dose-exposuretime relationship, it’s a safe treatment.However, we should not underestimate thepotential harmful effects that can producetheir abuse or misuse, hence the importanceof knowing their chemical composition andeffects on structures that apply, and alwaysfrom a dental and periodontal health forapplication.
Several clinical studies have evaluated the effectiveness of short and long term bleaches hydrogen peroxide (H2O2 ) agents, also its adverse effects on hard and soft tissues, finding that tooth and gingival sensitivity are the most frequent. However, these studies only based on clinical observations and perceptions of patients. The purpose of this review is to describe, based on scientific evidence in vitro and in vivo, the major side effects generated by H2O2 on periodontal tissues and cell populations, providing clinical relevance’s to provide clinicians useful advice when selecting and establishing protocols to patients seeking this type of treatment, aiming at reducing injuries to periodontal tissue support. We conclude that the use of these chemicals, but still generate immediate undesirable effects such as tooth sensitivity and gingival irritation, and based on the dose exposure time relationship, it’s a safe treatment. However, we should not underestimate the potential harmful effects that can produce their abuse or misuse, hence the importance of knowing their chemical composition and effects on structures that apply, and always from a dental and periodontal health for application.
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