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Steve J. Stern, Battling for Hearts and Minds: Memory Struggles in Pinochet's Chile, 1973–1988, part 2 of the trilogy, The Memory Box of Pinochet's Chile (Durham, NC, and London: Duke University Press, 2006)

    1. [1] Vassar College

      Vassar College

      City of Poughkeepsie, Estados Unidos

  • Localización: Journal of Latin American Studies, ISSN 0022-216X, ISSN-e 1469-767X, Vol. 40, Nº. 2, 2008, págs. 361-363
  • Idioma: inglés
  • Es reseña de:

    • Battling for Hearts and Minds: Memory Struggles in Pinochet's Chile, 1973–1988, part 2 of the trilogy, The Memory Box of Pinochet's Chile

      Steve J. Stern

      Durham : Duke University Press, 2006

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