María Teresa Serrano Moreno, Leire Lekunberri, Edgar Soria-Gómez, Itziar Bonilla del Río, Amaia Mimenza Saiz, Jon Egaña Huguet, Ilazki Anaut Lusar, Itziar Terradillos Irastorza, Svein Achicallende Urcaregui, Nagore Puente Bustinza, A. Ramos Uriarte, Inmaculada Gerrikagoitia Marina, Izaskun Elezgarai Gabantxo, Irantzu Rico Barrio, Pedro Rolando Grandes Moreno
Omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to play a role in neurogenesis, synaptogenesis and cell survival, thus improving brain development and reducing anxiety in the youth and preventing cognitive decline in elderly people. The omega-3 benefits seem to be conducted, among others, through the endocannabinoid system, but an in-depth knowledge of the molecular events taking place at this system are still poorly understood. The aim of this research is to study whether the effects of a diet enriched in omega-3 has on memory and anxiety in the early adulthood involve the modulation of the endocannabinoid system. Not only that, but also analysing the molecular impact elicited by omega-3 on components of this system in the mouse hippocampus.
Omega-3 gantz-azidoek hainbat onura eragiten dituzte, izan ere, neuronen nahiz sinapsien sorkuntzan parte hartu eta zelulen biziraupena bermatzen dute. Hortaz, gaztaroan garunaren garapena suspertzekoeta antsietatea murrizteko, nahiz zahartzaroan narriadura kognitiboa apaltzeko erabili dira. Efektu onuragarri horiek bideratzeko, neuromodulazioan parte hartzen duen endokannabinoide-sistemabaliatzen dute. Azterlan honen helburua omega-3an aberastutako dietak helduaro goiztiarrean memorian nahiz antsietatean onurak eduki ditzakeen aztertzea da. Baita dieta horrek saguen hipokanpoko endokannabinoide-sisteman aldaketa molekularrak eragiten dituen ikertzea ere.
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