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Resumen de Il diritto del lavoro e l'autonomia perduta

Riccardo Del Punta, Bruno Caruso

  • English

    Starting from an analysis of Luigi Mariucci's paper on "Culture and doctrines of Labour law", the authors propose some reflections on the current state of the discipline. If the main theme of Mariucci's paper is the subordination of labour law to the economic reasons, the analysis of the authors moves, conversely, from the point of departure of the autonomy of labour law and the need of its re-foundation. In the paper, in constant dialogue with Mariucci's essay, are examined, in particular, the aspects related to: the philosophical and political autonomy of labour law; the autonomy of the discipline from economic science and, finally, the autonomy of labour law in the legal system.

  • English

    Labour Law Autonomy Subordination Economics

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