Esta investigación estudia las interacciones, humanas y simbólicas, desarrolladas en el ciclo ritual-festivo 2017-2018 en comunidades de la provincia Tiraque-Cochabamba. Con base al enfoque de descolonización, se partió de la hipótesis de que estas interacciones podían propiciar formas (otras) de conocimiento en el campo de la comunicación. La meta fue trascender del entendido mediático de Comunicación hacia un área antropológica, social y comunitaria. Las wak ́as se levantan, vuelven a la vida (Wak ́a sayarisan) a través del ejercicio ritual de las interacciones. El respeto y la relación que tienen las comunidades hacia estas energías constituirán formas (otras) de ver el mundo, de conocer y sentir. El objetivo es indagar en la manera en que las interacciones, desarrolladas en un ciclo ritual-festivo, generan formas (otras) de comunicación distintas a la visión mediática de este campo.
This research studies the human and symbolic interactions which are developed in the ritual and festive cycle 2017-2018 in communities of the Tiraque-Cochabamba province. Based on the Decolonization approach, it was hypothesized that these interactions could lead to other forms of knowledge in the field of Communication. The goal was to transcend the media understanding of Communication towards an anthropological, social and community area. From the first approaches to the field, it was possible to recognize a close relationship between the members of the communities with the sacred beings of the Andean world. The Saints, Virgins, Wak’as (sacred spaces), councils, etc., constitute the articulating centers of the interactions between the communities and the Andean symbolic world. The Wak’as rise up, come back to life (Wak’a sayarisan) through the ritual practice of interactions. The respect and the relationship that the communities have towards these energies will constitute other ways of seeing the world, other ways of knowing and feeling. This is precisely what this research is about. The objective is to inquire the way in which the interactions, wether human or symbolic, which are developed in a ritual-festive cycle generate other forms of Communication.
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