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Resumen de Estudio de la consanguinidad mediante dispensas eclesiásticas en el Alto Arán

J. Montserrat, M.P. Aluja, R.M. Nogués, A. Sevin

  • The ecclesiastic's dispenses study in the Hight Aran valley are specially interesting and complete a parallel study about isonymes publicated in the last Barcelona's congress. Aran valley is considered a typical high mountain place, so it has practically closed to the external people during centuries. The ecclesiastic dispenses have been the base of this work. This methodology stems from the existence to written witness of the marriage celebration between family parents that force the need documents issued by the ecclesiastic authorities. The coefficient consanguinity average (a4) calculated from 1660 to 1985 is 1.033E-03; the unions between third party cousins have been the most frequently excused and the conformity coefficient between waivers and isonymic data never have arrived to surpass 23%.

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