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Cultivating values in early childhood: case study in rural and urban contexts

    1. [1] Ulyanovsk State University of Education, Russian Federation.
  • Localización: Revista Amazonia Investiga, ISSN-e 2322-6307, Vol. 13, Nº. 81, 2024, págs. 179-186
  • Idioma: inglés
  • Enlaces
  • Resumen
    • This article investigates the value attitudes of older preschool children towards socio-cultural reality in urban and rural settings in Russia. Diagnostic studies were conducted with 85 children, utilizing interviews and visual materials to assess their understanding of their social environment, attitudes towards material and spiritual goods, and comprehension of moral actions. Findings indicate that the emotional-value criterion is more developed in children than the operational-behavioral one, with no significant differences observed between urban and rural children. However, parental assistance varied based on location. Children demonstrated an understanding of ecological, aesthetic, and moral values. To further develop the operational-behavioral criterion, projects focusing on historical, local, social, and ethnocultural aspects were implemented, yielding positive results in children's cognitive and social development. The study highlights the importance of early childhood education in fostering value attitudes towards socio-cultural reality and suggests further research directions in this field.

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