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Resumen de Ergonomic risk in the management of the endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography

Yanet Ortega Dugrot, Julieth Suárez Oceguera, Georgina Maritza López Pumar, Pedro Irán Gort Iglesias, Osmany Alonso Ayala, Roselia Inés Bustamante Rojas

  • Introduction: endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatrography is the therapeutic method of choice to treat biliopancreatic diseases. The complexity of the endoscopic procedure, learning curves, duration, and the demand for the service in health institutions, condition the presence of ergonomic risks in the domain of the multidisciplinary team that intervenes in the technique.

    Objective: to describe about possible ergonomic risk factors in the management of endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography.

    Methods: a search was carried out in the Google Academic/Scholar, PUBMED, SciELO Regional, SciELO Public Health, SciELO Cuba engines. In the search strategy, the terms were used: endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography, ergonomic risks, ergonomic risk perception in the working population. The documents were evaluated at length and a summary document of the information was developed.

    Results: dynamic and static postures, repetitive movements, load manipulation, psychological load and visual fatigue are considered risk factors that require greater attention in relation to the activities involved in the technique.

    Conclusions: possible ergonomic risk factors in the endoscopic procedure were described. The complex activities that derive from the procedure and their relationship with the specialties involved were considered, in order to promote occupational health, sustainability and the transition towards excellence in the services provided.

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