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Out-of-court settlement of corporate disputes: THE ROLE OF DEADLOCK CLAUSES

  • Autores: Bruno Queiroz de Vasconcelos Finotti, Diogo Augusto Debs Hemmer, Ricardo Padovini Pleti Ferreira, João Pedro Leite Oliveira
  • Localización: International Journal of Professional Business Review: Int. J. Prof.Bus. Rev., ISSN 2525-3654, ISSN-e 2525-3654, Vol. 9, Nº. 11, 2024 (Ejemplar dedicado a: Continuous publication; e05085)
  • Idioma: inglés
  • Títulos paralelos:
    • Resolução extrajudicial de conflitos societários: O PAPEL DAS DEADLOCK CLAUSES
    • Resolución Extrajudicial de Conflictos Societarios: El Papel de las Cláusulas de Deadlock
  • Enlaces
  • Resumen
    • English

      Objectives: This article seeks to analyze the clauses of forced purchase and sale of quotas as a way to resolve corporate conflicts contractually, without the need for intervention by the judiciary or arbitration.

      Theoretical Framework: The research is aimed at limited liability companies composed of two partners with an equal amount of quotas, as this formation is conducive to the emergence of conflicts that are hardly resolved out of court, which justifies the use of forced purchase and sale clauses for the exclusion of one of them.

      Method: The research was carried out mainly through the methodology of data collection contained in bibliographic survey and jurisprudential decisions.

      Results: In view of this, it was concluded, with the research, that the forced purchase and sale of quotas is an effective mechanism for the solution of corporate disagreements, and guarantees the setting of fair values for the operation, and it is also important for the preservation of the company, which is a basic principle of business law.

      Discussion: The clauses of forced purchase and sale of quotas do not have a legal affirmation, consisting of a creation arising from business practice. For this reason, it is appropriate to investigate their nature, lawfulness and how they are valued in resolving disagreements. In addition, it is also necessary to investigate its variants and its effects on the possible affectio societatis existing between members of limited liability companies.

      Research Implications: The use of deadlock provisions allows partners to resolve their conflict more quickly and efficiently. In addition, it reduces costs and time, which are important factors when seeking the preservation of the company. Because of this, the research brings a specific contribution in the field of corporate law, impacting not only the legal technique, but also the market agents, since they have another mechanism for the prevention and control of litigation between partners.

      Originality/Value: Deadlock clauses enable the resolution of corporate conflicts contractually, without the need for intervention by the judiciary or arbitration, which reduces costs, time and consequently reinforces the principle of preservation of the company. Therefore, the application of the knowledge built through research allows a gain in economic efficiency for partners of legal entities dedicated to the exploration of business activities.

    • português

      Este artigo analisa as cláusulas de compra e venda forçada de quotas como forma de resolver conflitos societários contratualmente, sem a necessidade de intervenção do judiciário ou da arbitragem, o que diminui custos, tempo e consequentemente, reforça o princípio da preservação da empresa.

      A pesquisa é voltada para sociedades limitadas compostas por dois sócios com quantidade igualitária de quotas, pois, essa formação é propícia para o surgimento de conflitos que dificilmente são resolvidos extrajudicialmente, o que justifica a utilização das cláusulas de compra e venda forçada para a exclusão de um deles. Além disso, por se tratar de sociedade intuitu personae no decorrer da pesquisa são analisados os efeitos dessas disposições perante a affectio societatis, e demonstrado que sua utilização serve na verdade para reforçar o vínculo dos sócios, ao manter a relações pessoais intocadas.

      Diante disso, conclui-se com a pesquisa que, a compra e venda forçada de quotas é mecanismo eficaz para a solução de desavenças societárias, e garante a fixação de valores justos pela operação, sendo importante ainda para a preservação da empresa, que se trata de princípio basilar do direito empresarial.

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