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Resumen de Social support for the elderly. Medical Clinic 3. Viñales

Arletys Arteaga García, Francisca Díaz Pita, Marielis Duarte González, Niurka Rodríguez Hernández

  • Introduction: the aging of the Cuban population constitutes an important challenge of the present and the immediate future because this population group faces changes and health problems that affect the deterioration of their quality of life. Objective: to evaluate the social support to the elderly in the medical office 3, of the Policlínico Fermín Valdés Domínguez, Viñales municipality, from January 2020 to July 2022. Method: quasi-experimental research was carried out applying an intervention strategy, the universe was formed by 299 older adults of the community, from them a sample was selected by simple random method of 200 older adults, theoretical, empirical and statistical methods were used that allowed processing the information in absolute and relative frequencies. Results: the sample was characterized for being predominantly female with 52 %, with an age range between 70 and 74 years, for 25,5 %, most of them had a basic secondary school level completed, were married, retired; they belonged to complete and small nuclear families, the social resources were classified as excellent in 50,5 % and it was found that 51,5 % of the older adults receive somewhat frequent support.Conclusions: the development of a community intervention to increase social support for older adults in clinic 3 contributed to improve the quality of life of this age group by increasing the social resources available to them, their support networks, and decreasing the incidence and decompensation of chronic diseases.

Fundación Dialnet

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