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Resumen de Environmental impact of the páramo in Colombia: an approach from the FPEIR model

Melissa Lis Gutiérrez, Jenny Paola Lis Gutiérrez, Jonathan Jiménez Parra, Carolina Henao Rodríguez

  • The Colombian páramos offer various ecosystem services and are considered strategic ecosystems for the sustainable development of the country and its inhabitants. In recent decades, their impact in social, economic, and environmental terms has become more evident due to increasing anthropogenic intervention. This document aims to address how to apply the FPEIR model to identify the impacts on the Sumapaz and Santurbán páramos resulting from human activities. To achieve this goal, a qualitative methodology based on documentary review and analysis of specific cases identified in the Global Atlas of Environmental Justice, the Observatory of Mining Conflicts in Latin America, and the Observatory of Environmental Conflicts in Colombia was employed. The selected cases were analyzed using the DPSIR framework (Driving forces – Pressure – State – Impact – Response). This allowed establishing that the main threats in these ecosystems correspond to extractive activities that have caused imbalances, negatively affecting soil quality and water sources, rapid decline in biodiversity, and the medium and long-term quality of life of the inhabitants of these regions. Among the main shortcomings for páramo protection, the lack of economic resources, limited monitoring of management plans, heterogeneity in the implementation of conservation strategies, and a lack of clarity in the roles and responsibilities of involved actors are crucial issues affecting páramo conservation in Colombia. Overcoming these challenges requires a coordinated approach and appropriate allocation of resources to ensure the sustainability and integrity of these unique ecosystems.

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