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Resumen de Capacity building to preserve the rights of ecuadorian indigenous peoples and afro-descendants

Marco Patricio Villa Zura, José Ignacio Cruz Arboleda, Josué Ramón Limaico Mina

  • The indigenous and tribal peoples of Ecuador are key actors in the social, economic, cultural and environmental development of the country. Their participation and empowerment are critical to building a sustainable, just and inclusive future for all. Convention 169 of the International Labor Organization recognizes indigenous and tribal peoples, which was reflected in the last two constitutions in Ecuador. Sometimes collective rights are not taken into account, so it is necessary to strengthen the knowledge of indigenous and Afro-Ecuadorian peoples about the intercultural and plurinational, through the implementation of a virtual training program. A descriptive research was used, a documentary research design. The training programme recognizes that the plurinational State must ensure the rights of indigenous and Afro-Ecuadorian peoples.

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