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Resumen de Evaluation of the proposal for the teaching of emotional integration in the career of Medicine, for the improvement of professional pedagogical performance

Libertad E. Valdés Izquierdo, Norberto Valcárcel Izquierdo, Alejandro Antuan Díaz Díaz, Ana Claribel Herrera Wainshtok

  • The improvement strategy for the improvement of the professional pedagogical performance of teachers of the teaching of emotional integration in the subject Clinical Propaedeutics and Medical Semiology of the 3rd year of the Medicine career is directed by the mission: to achieve levels of preparation of the teacher to improve the professional pedagogical performance in the teaching of emotional integration; The vision of this strategy is to design self-improvement actions for teachers. Main objective: To assess the results obtained in the improvement of the professional pedagogical performance of teachers in the teaching of emotional integration in the subject. Method: A system of self-improvement activities was conceived that revealed and enhanced the functions, as well as allowed the system of relationships to function harmoniously, promoting the development and systematic evaluation of work. Periods were organized for exchanges, analyses, meetings and activities Scientific. After presenting the proposed overcoming strategy, the evaluation of 30 experts was requested, it is used in the processing Mc Nemar and chi-square. The evaluation of the instruments applied to the evaluation of teachers, through the consultation of specialists and the pre-experiment carried out, confirmed the viability of the proposed improvement strategy

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