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Occlusal changes in primary dentition after treatment of dental interferences

    1. [1] Facultad de Ciencias Médicas Isla de la Juventud. Policlínico Docente Universitario “Juan Manuel Páez Inchausti”. Isla de la Juventud, Cuba
    2. [2] Facultad de Ciencias Médicas Isla de la Juventud. Isla de la Juventud, Cuba
  • Localización: Odontología: (Montevideo), ISSN-e 3046-4102, Nº. 1, 2023 (Ejemplar dedicado a: Odontologia (Montevideo))
  • Idioma: inglés
  • Enlaces
  • Resumen
    • Introduction: the treatment of malocclusions at an early age consists of selective carving that provides the child with a real possibility of adequate growth of the craniofacial complex.

      Objective: to identify the occlusal characteristics in anteroposterior, transverse and vertical sense before and after treatment of occlusal interferences in children with posterior functional unilateral crossbite.

      Methods: a longitudinal study was carried out with a panel design; The universe was made up of 632 children aged 3-5 years from the area belonging to the “Juan Manuel Páez Inchausti” polyclinic of the Isla de la Juventud municipality; The sampling was non-probabilistic, intentional, consisting of 20 patients with posterior functional unilateral crossbite, who underwent treatment for occlusal interferences. The data were presented in statistical tables and summarized in averages, standard deviation and percentages for better understanding.

      Results: significant reductions occurred in all treated patients, with a significant reduction (p<0,05) in overjet and overshoot of 0,7 and 1,0mm respectively. The lower midline deviation was significantly corrected by an average of 2,2mm (p<0,05). Significant increases in maxillary transverse dimensions were achieved at the end of treatment.

      Conclusions: the timely application of this method constitutes the ideal way to intercept dental malocclusions and prevent future dentomaxillofacial anomalies, as well as alterations of the temporomandibular joint

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