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Resumen de Nutrition, relationship with malocclusions?

Lays Blanco Romero, Alejandra Figueredo Rigores, Ana Maura Ortiz Figueroa

  • Nutritionispart of people'slifestyle. Dentistryisrelatedtodifferentareas of health, in whichnutrition can intervenepositivelyornot. Constantscientificadvances, studies and research show thatsomefoodsaffectmalocclusions and orthodontictreatments. Thequality and quantity of nutrientsthatsubjects consume, as well as thewaythey are ingested and thehabits in whichtheyeat, haveeffectsonthegrowth and development of the human body and onthe oral health status of people, whichIt leads tospecialists in thisbranchbeingaware of itseffectstotakethemintoaccount in treatments, as well as in theprevention and promotion of oral health. Theobjective of thisbibliographicreviewistoanalyzetherelationship of nutritionalsupplements in dentistry, forthe training of thestomatologist and to guide theeffectiveness of thetreatment. A systematicbibliographicreviewwascarriedout at theinternational and nationallevel of theproblem, usingthedatabases: ScientificElectronic Library Online, Scielo, Dialnet, Scopus, Redalyc, LILACS and Google academic, in original articles. A total of 67articleswerefound, of which 21 wereselectedforthepreparation of thisstudy.

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