En aquest treball es descriuen i figuren dos equinoïdeus del Miocè superior de Menorca: Echinolampas (Miolampas) inaequalis Pomel, 1887 i Brissomorpha sp. Ambdós representen noves citacions pel Neogen de les illes Balears. Les referències a aquests dos tàxons són molt escasses, tot i l’enorme interès que desperta l’estudi de la fauna equi-nològica de Menorca, de la qual n’existeixen citacions des de, com a mínim, el segle XIX.
Brissomorpha sp. presenta diferències significatives al comparar-se amb l’espècie tipus (Brissomorpha fuchsi Laube, 1871 del Miocè inferior d’Àustria), referents a les proporcions del periprocte, el peristoma i el ressalt situat en la part alta del marge posterior.
In this work, two echinoidea from the Upper Miocene of Menorca are described and figured: Echinolampas (Miolampas) inaequalis Pomel, 1887 and Brissomorpha sp. Both represent new citations for the Neogene of the Balearic Islands. References to these two taxa are very scarce, despite the enormous interest in the study of the echinological fauna of Menorca, of which there have been citations since at least the 19th century.
Brissomorpha sp, shows significant differences when compared with the type species (Brissomorpha fuchsi Laube, 1871 from the Lower Miocene of Austria) regarding the proportions of the periproct, the peristome and the ridge located in the upper part of the posterior margin.
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