Sevilla, España
Al periodista sanluqueño Eduardo Gutiérrez Henríquez (1843-1920), su militancia política en el republicanismo federal y sus cortos períodos como diputado le granjearon la enemistad de muchos dirigentes conservadores que no soportaron sus críticas y su permanente denuncia de la corrupción y el caciquismo que en el período entre siglos inundó la gestión municipal de Sanlúcar de Barrameda y de otras poblaciones gaditanas. Su trayectoria es un ejemplo de cómo el cuarto poder ha sufrido los embates de la clase política dominante, que trataba de silenciar aquellas voces que discrepaban de la opinión oficial.
Few cases can be found, in the province of Cádiz, about political persecution against a journalist which could be compared with that case related to Eduardo Gutiérrez Enríquez (1843-1920), a native of Sanlúcar. His political militancy in federal republicanism and his short periods as a deputy caused him the hostility coming from many conservative leaders who could not withstand his permanent criticism of corruption and the despotism which filled up the municipal management of Sanlúcar de Barrameda and other towns in Cádiz in the period between those two centuries. His career is a good example of how “the fourth state” has suffered the attacks of the dominant political kinds in order to try to keep quiet those voices that disagreed with the official opinion.
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