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Resumen de Humanizar la educación: una recuperación del sentido de lo humano a través de la filosofía política de Tomás Moro y el humanismo renacentista

María Rodríguez Lorca

  • Our current education system is characterised by the unconditional prioritisation of “useful”scientific disciplines that allow us to find a job easily. This situation has led us to relegate the humanitiesto the background because we consider them useless and impractical. My intention in this chapter isto vindicate the importance of a humanistic education in a dehumanised world, characterised by socialisolation and, furthermore, to examine the benefits that it can bring us based on the social educationalmodel advocated by Thomas More in his work Utopia. The philosophical movement known as human-ism was born in the Renaissance, and it referred to the cultivation of the so-called studia humanitatis,which included dialectics, grammar and rhetoric. The humanists of this time regarded education not onlyas the study of the classics, but also as a humanising instrument, which makes us morally better. At atime like ours, when widespread disinterest and disconnection from reality have become common in ourschools, it is more important than ever to reclaim a humanistic education.

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