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Resumen de Innovación social universitaria como factor en la transición sostenible hacia la agenda 2030 en Paraguay

María Gloria Paredes, Luis Guillermo Maldonado

  • Before the COVID-19 pandemic, the world was already facing challenges such as inequality,social exclusion, poverty, forced migration, and climate change. These difficulties can be summarisedin three main crises: ecological, trust and inequality. These crises complicate sustainable developmentdue to their complexity and decentralisation, making state, market and technological solutions insuffi-cient. In this context, social innovation emerges as a crucial tool to address these problems, promotingtransformations towards a more sustainable world. Universities, with their role in teaching, research andsocial engagement, can be key in this process, especially in aligning with the 2030 Agenda. This articleargues that the Paraguayan university has great potential to develop and apply social innovation strate-gies, contributing to sustainability. It raises the question of what strategies Paraguayan universities canadapt to foster a sustainable transition and sets several objectives, including defining social innovationin this context and identifying challenges and success cases. The study uses secondary data to identifychallenges and systematise successful cases of social innovation in university settings, offering practicalrecommendations for its implementation in Paraguay. It concludes that the adoption of these strategiesin universities can significantly help in the sustainable transition towards the objectives of the 2030Agenda in the country.

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