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Resumen de La marginalidad entre odio y redención. El papel crucial de la escuela en la promoción de la inclusión y la equidad

Marco Leggieri

  • The threat posed by sovereignisms, populisms and the war conflicts taking place around the globe are causing serious concern because they risk disarming democracies and the rule of law. In addition to socio-economic unease, there is also the psychological one fostered by the pandemic and the inordinate interference of digital devices in human activities. Consequently, discrimination and violence against vulnerable groups such as women, immigrants and the LGBT+ community, who are considered minorities and, therefore, sacrificial victims of the dictatorship of the majority, are on the rise. People on the margins, however, represent a valuable resource of power and imagination that can outline new spaces of inclusion, questioning the dogmas and rigid categories upheld by the homologising neolib- eral culture. The quanti-qualitative questionnaire proposal at issue is addressed to schools and the new generations of students. Its aim is to explore the places where fears, prejudices and stereotypes lurk to deconstruct their foundations and attempt to promote a society that, on the contrary, values difference, solidarity and respect for the Other as pillars of democratic education.

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