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Resumen de Alteridad y reconocimiento como itinerarios pedagógicos interculturales para la paz

Francesco Bossio

  • The crisis of the subject in globalised societies is strongly influenced by a weakening of in- dividual consciousness, the direct consequences of which can be seen in existential confusion, a crisis of reason, and a loss of the very meaning of existence. The influence of the market economy has produced an industrial and technocratic society in which the main objective pursued is represented by economic profit and the desire for domination. In this context, the needs of the individual take on marginal con- tours, and the priority objectives to be pursued are represented by economic, political and sometimes military supremacy. The conflicts and wars that inflame our contemporary world are a dramatic testi- mony to these dynamics. Man is thus enslaved to the economy and, in rich Western societies, to the products and material goods that he must possess and consume to fill the enormous inner emptiness caused by the lack of dialogue and authentic exchanges with others. The encounter with the other, the intersubjective relationship, and the authentic experience of the relationship are fundamental elements in the process of the formation of the subject and in the construction of a society founded on a renewed humanism. Care, a pedagogical category that we could define as the sum of the most intimate attitudes of the human soul (contemplating dimensions such as affective, evaluative and generative and training in self-care), is presented as a relational tension, where the person has the possibility of opening up to authentic dialogue, of understanding the other, that is to say, of welcoming and caring for him/her, mak- ing the original structure of human relationality concrete.

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