Ambato, Ecuador
A fistula is, by definition, the opening in the mucosa or skin of a drainage route that the body itself creates, to allow purulent material to exit into the external environment and allow the natural drainage of an abscess. A simple and effective way to identify the dental piece of origin of the fistula is to slowly insert a disinfected #25 diameter gutta-percha point through the fistula in order to diagnose and collect important data to later be analyzed and interpreted, allowing evaluation in What conditions is found in the tooth that will subsequently receive endodontic treatment.
Pulp pathologies caused by anaerobic and aerobic microorganisms present in the oral cavity can be successfully treated most of the time when the patient arrives opportunely to the dental office. Some of the symptoms that can be presented on a daily basis to the clinician are the various pathologies that can alter the root pulp of the dental groups.
However, the clinician must be prepared and differentiate these pathologies in order to effectively and timely address these dental pathologies, reducing the present symptoms and thus stimulating the repair process of the periapical tissues, restoring its functionality and aesthetics of the treated tooth. endodontically.
On the other hand, periapical pathologies can enter a mild process and become a chronic process, affecting even the soft tissues of the oral cavity. However, the professional must know the anatomical complexities found in root canal systems, through a meticulous and exhaustive examination, know how to identify pulp symptoms, incorporating complementary examinations, such as conventional radiography, conical feixe computed tomography, which It will provide the clinician to obtain a more exhaustive diagnosis, thus having a treatment plan, prognosis of this, raising the percentage of successes in endodontic treatments
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