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Resumen de Dare scholars look to the future? Academia and strategic foresight for the European Union's foreign policy

Monika Sus

  • Drawing on examples of foresight projects situated at the interface between academia and foreignpolicy practice, this article reflects on the role of academics in informing the practice of foreignpolicy-making in the EU. The study explores why academics have rarely engaged in foresight overthe past two decades and why this has changed in recent years. It argues that this shift is triggered,on the one hand, by the strategic blunders of the last decade and, on the other hand, by the concep-tual developments within the disciplines of political science or international relations. After demon-strating the growing trend of scholarly engagement in foresight with a series of illustrativeexamples, the article discusses the added value and limitations of academic-generated foresight forEU foreign policy. Taking these into account, the analysis indicates best practice solutions, such asforesight exercises, with the joint involvement of researchers and policymakers

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