Barcelona, España
O estudo da obra Arnoia, Arnoia (1985) de Méndez Ferrín pretende desentrañar o sentido dun relato que parece seguir o modelo do xénero fantástico cun protagonista dotado de poderes extraordinarios que percorre mundos exóticos. Postúlase a hipótese de que o autor constrúe un modelo de heroe alternativo que emprende unha viaxe cara ao paraíso perdido e polo tanto sen destino, polo que a súa aprendizaxe se dirixe ao recoñecemento do autoengano e a aceptación da perda, ben dos vínculos orixinarios ou ben de posibles ideais. A representación de diversos mundos posibles e os recursos intertextuais utilízanse para mostrar a inestabilidade do estatuto de realidade, marcada polos frecuentes momentos de transición entre a visión exterior e a interior, sexa a través da lembranza, a imaxe visionaria, o soño ou a alucinación
This study of the novel Arnoia, Arnoia (1985) by Méndez Ferrín aims to unravel the meaning of a story that seems to follow the model of the fantasy genre with a protagonist endowed with extraordinary powers who travels exotic worlds. It is hypothesized that the author constructs an alternative model of hero who begins a journey towards a lost paradise and therefore without a destination, so that his apprenticeship is directed towards the recognition of self-deception and the acceptance of loss, either of the original bonds or of possible ideals. The representation of different possible worlds and intertextual resources are used to represent the instability of the status of reality, marked by frequent moments of transition between the exterior and interior vision, whether through memory, visionary image, dream or hallucination
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