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Resumen de In search of social visibility in Roman Corduba: identity and social promotion of Publicius Valerius Fortunatus.

Clara María Ramos-Taboada

  • español

    El objetivo de este estudio es tratar a un individuo promocionado de la Capital de la Bética, la Colonia Patricia Corduba, en una línea de prosopography from below. En primer lugar, profundizaré en su estudio onomástico. Este individuo, de una manera superficial y tan sólo por su nomen se ha considerado tradicionalmente como liberto. Si bien, apoyo esta teoría, es necesario explicar por qué, pues convencionalismos con relación a un solo marcador onomástico no son suficientes. Se realizará un profundo estudio de su estructura onomástica y su variación en los dos epígrafes que dedica en Corduba, para consistentemente apoyar ese origen servil. En segundo lugar, y en relación con lo anterior, resolver ciertos interrogantes que presenta dicha onomástica y que conducen al análisis de su posible círculo social. Finalmente, procederé al estudio de su búsqueda de visibilidad social dentro del contexto del evergetismo liberto en Hispania.

  • English

    The aim of this study is to explore the profile of a promoted individual from the capital of Baetica, the Colonia Patricia Corduba, within the context of a prosopography from below approach. Firstly, an examination of the individual's onomastic profile will be undertaken in greater detail. From a purely superficial perspective and solely based on his nomen, this individual has traditionally been considered as a freedman. Although I endorse this hypothesis, it is necessary to provide an explanation given that conventional views regarding one mere onomastic marker are insufficient. An exhaustive study will be conducted of his onomastic structure and its variation in the two inscriptions he dedicated in Corduba, in order to consistently support this servile origin. Subsequently, this study will address certain questions raised by his onomastics that lead to the possible identification of his social circle. In conclusion, I will conduct a review of his quest for social visibility within the context of freedman euergetism in Hispania.

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