El texto realiza algunas consideraciones sobre la pinacoteca del XIV duque de Alba y su gusto por la pintura italiana antigua –con aperturas al arte medieval– en relación a las anotaciones en sus diarios de viaje y sus compras, aportando datos extraídos de su libro de cuentas. Sugiere que la Última Cena de Giulio Cesare Procaccini, en su colección desde 1828, procedía de la galería del XII marqués de Villafranca, y estudia dos obras de Giovanni Battista Paggi y Felice Ficherelli que han pasado desapercibidas a la crítica especializada. Propone, por último, nuevas autorías para cuatro pinturas, también adquiridas por el duque y en la actual Colección Casa de Alba, asignadas ahora a Il Brescianino, Francesco Boschi y Pietro della Vecchia
This paper presents considerations on the 14th Duke of Alba’s painting collection and his taste for old master Italian painting –a taste which was receptive to medieval art as well– based on annotations in his travel diaries and his purchases, and brings to light new data from his ledger. The text suggests that the duke’s Last Supper by Giulio Cesare Procaccini, came from the collection of the 12th Marquis of Villafranca, it studies two works by Giovanni Battista Paggi and Felice Ficherelli which have not been examined by specialists until now, and proposes new authorship for four paintings that were acquired by the duke and remain in the Alba Collection attributed now to “Il Brescianino”, Francesco Boschi and Pietro della Vecchia
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