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Resumen de The Creation of an Evidencial of Inference in Medieval Catalan. The Verb témer during the 13th-15th Centuries

Jordi M. Antolí Martínez

  • Today’s Catalan (in parallel to Spanish, Portuguese or Italian) knows the construction [(em) tem que Vind/Vsubj] with an epistemic/evidential value: ‘[Someone] to consider [a negative thing] possible’. This study tries to describe and explain the grammaticalization process of the verb témer in Old Catalan, for which, this psychological verb becomes an evidential marker. With a view to explain this process, an analysis will be performed about a group of examples with the verb témer from Medieval Catalan retrieved from the Corpus Informatitzat de la Gramàtica del Català Antic (CIGCA), interpreting them by means of the theoretical tools provided to us by Cognitive Linguistics and used-based Construction Grammar in accordance with the proposal by Traugott and Trousdale (2013) and Traugott’s Invited Inferencing Theory of Semantic Change (IITSC) (2012).

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