Periodo de publicación recogido
Bibliography of reviews and methods of photosynthesis â¿¿ 89
J. Catsky, Z. Sestak
Photosynthetica, ISSN 0300-3604, Vol. 43, Nº 4, 2005, págs. 621-640
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Andre Pirson - 26 March 1910-7 February 2004
H. Senger, Z. Sestak
Photosynthetica, ISSN 0300-3604, Vol. 42, Nº 3, 2004, págs. 321-322
Larkum, A.W.D., Douglas, S.E., Raven, J.A. (ed.): Photosynthesis in Algae
Z. Sestak
Photosynthetica, ISSN 0300-3604, Vol. 42, Nº 3, 2004, pág. 408
Britton, G., Liaaen-Jensen, S., Pfander, H. (ed.): Carotenoids. Handbook
Z. Sestak
Photosynthetica, ISSN 0300-3604, Vol. 42, Nº 1, 2004, pág. 186
Green, B.R., Parson, W.W. (ed.): Light-Harvesting Antennas in Photosynthesis
Z. Sestak
Photosynthetica, ISSN 0300-3604, Vol. 42, Nº 1, 2004, pág. 228
Alley, M.: The Craft of Scientific Presentations
Z. Sestak
Photosynthetica, ISSN 0300-3604, Vol. 41, Nº 4, 2003, pág. 496
Dussart, G.: Biosciences on the Internet
Z. Sestak
Photosynthetica, ISSN 0300-3604, Vol. 41, Nº 4, 2003, pág. 512
Z. Sestak
Photosynthetica, ISSN 0300-3604, Vol. 41, Nº 3, 2003, pág. 342
Z. Sestak
Photosynthetica, ISSN 0300-3604, Vol. 41, Nº 3, 2003, pág. 364
Peat, J., Elliott, E., Baur, L., Keena, V.: Scientific Writing. Easy When You Know How
Z. Sestak
Photosynthetica, ISSN 0300-3604, Vol. 41, Nº 3, 2003, pág. 392
Science Editors' Handbook. - European Association of Science Editors, West Clandon 2003
Z. Sestak
Photosynthetica, ISSN 0300-3604, Vol. 41, Nº 3, 2003, pág. 406
Bibliography of Reviews and Methods of Photosynthesis - 87
Z. Sestak, J. Catsky
Photosynthetica, ISSN 0300-3604, Vol. 41, Nº 3, 2003, págs. 453-480
Frank, H.A., Young, A.J., Britton, G., Cogdell, R.J. (ed.): The Photochemistry of Carotenoids
Z. Sestak
Photosynthetica, ISSN 0300-3604, Vol. 41, Nº 2, 2003, pág. 190
Hindak, F.: Mikroskopicke sinice a riasy. [Microscopic Cyanobacteria and Algae.]
Z. Sestak
Photosynthetica, ISSN 0300-3604, Vol. 41, Nº 1, 2003, pág. 76
Kluwe, R.H., Luer, G., Rosler F. (ed.): Principles of Learning and Memory
Z. Sestak
Photosynthetica, ISSN 0300-3604, Vol. 41, Nº 1, 2003, pág. 76
Bjorn, L.O. (ed.): Photobiology. The Science of Light and Life
Z. Sestak
Photosynthetica, ISSN 0300-3604, Vol. 41, Nº 1, 2003, pág. 90
Aro, E.-M., Andersson, B. (ed.): Regulation of Photosynthesis
Z. Sestak
Photosynthetica, ISSN 0300-3604, Vol. 40, Nº 3, 2002, pág. 336
Howe, S., Hendriksson, K.: PhraseBook for Writing Papers and Research. 2nd Ed
Z. Sestak
Photosynthetica, ISSN 0300-3604, Vol. 40, Nº 3, 2002, pág. 382
Wager, E., Godlee, F., Jefferson, T.: How to Survive Peer Review
Z. Sestak
Photosynthetica, ISSN 0300-3604, Vol. 40, Nº 2, 2002, pág. 268
Ke, B.: Photosynthesis. Photobiochemistry and Photobiophysics
Z. Sestak
Photosynthetica, ISSN 0300-3604, Vol. 40, Nº 2, 2002, pág. 278
The Early History of "Photosynthetica", "Photosynthesis Research", and their Publishers
Z. Sestak, W. R. Peters
Photosynthetica, ISSN 0300-3604, Vol. 40, Nº 1, 2002, págs. 1-11
Blankenship, R.E.: Molecular Mechanisms of Photosynthesis
Z. Sestak
Photosynthetica, ISSN 0300-3604, Vol. 40, Nº 1, 2002, pág. 12
Mauch, J.E., Birch, J.W.: Guide to the Successful Thesis and Dissertation. 4th Ed
Z. Sestak
Photosynthetica, ISSN 0300-3604, Vol. 40, Nº 1, 2002, pág. 96
Thomas, C.F. (ed.): Libraries, the Internet, and Scholarship. Tools and Trends Converging
Z. Sestak
Photosynthetica, ISSN 0300-3604, Vol. 40, Nº 1, 2002, pág. 114
PS2001 Proceedings, 12th International Congress on Photosynthesis
Z. Sestak
Photosynthetica, ISSN 0300-3604, Vol. 40, Nº 1, 2002, pág. 120
Z. Sestak
Photosynthetica, ISSN 0300-3604, Vol. 38, Nº 4, 2001, pág. 10
Gaponenko, V.I., Nikolaeva, G.N., Shevchuk, S.N.: Obnovlenie Khlorofilla i Produktivnost' Rastenii
Z. Sestak
Photosynthetica, ISSN 0300-3604, Vol. 38, Nº 4, 2001, pág. 16
Environmental Effects of Ozone Depletion: 1998 Assessment
Z. Sestak
Photosynthetica, ISSN 0300-3604, Vol. 38, Nº 4, 2001, pág. 66
Bibliography of reviews and methods of photosynthesis - 84
J. Catsky, Z. Sestak
Photosynthetica, ISSN 0300-3604, Vol. 38, Nº 4, 2001, págs. 131-160
Reuter, B.: Pocket Dictionary of Biochemistry, English - German, German - English
Z. Sestak
Photosynthetica, ISSN 0300-3604, Vol. 38, Nº 4, 2001, pág. 538
James, C.: Errors in Language Learning and Use. Exploring Error Analysis
Z. Sestak
Photosynthetica, ISSN 0300-3604, Vol. 38, Nº 4, 2001, págs. 538-605
Walker, D.A.: Like Clockwork - an Unfinished Story
Z. Sestak
Photosynthetica, ISSN 0300-3604, Vol. 38, Nº 4, 2001, págs. 600-639
Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Revised Edition
Z. Sestak
Photosynthetica, ISSN 0300-3604, Vol. 38, Nº 4, 2001, pág. 606
Valiela, I.: Doing Science. Design, Analysis, and Communication of Scientific Research
Z. Sestak
Photosynthetica, ISSN 0300-3604, Vol. 38, Nº 4, 2001, pág. 628
Day, A.: How to Get Research Published in Journals
Z. Sestak
Photosynthetica, ISSN 0300-3604, Vol. 37, Nº 4, 2000, pág. 518
Z. Sestak
Photosynthetica, ISSN 0300-3604, Vol. 37, Nº 4, 2000, pág. 518
Milgrom, L.R.: The Colours of Life
Z. Sestak
Photosynthetica, ISSN 0300-3604, Vol. 37, Nº 4, 2000, pág. 536
McIntosh, L. (ed.): Photosynthesis: Molecular Biology of Energy Capture
Z. Sestak
Photosynthetica, ISSN 0300-3604, Vol. 37, Nº 4, 2000, pág. 572
Z. Sestak
Photosynthetica, ISSN 0300-3604, Vol. 37, Nº 4, 2000, pág. 586
Pugnaire, F.I., Valladares, F. (ed.): Handbook of Functional Plant Ecology
Z. Sestak
Photosynthetica, ISSN 0300-3604, Vol. 37, Nº 4, 2000, pág. 608
Kirkman, J.: Guidelines for Giving Effective Presentations. 2^n^dEd
Z. Sestak
Photosynthetica, ISSN 0300-3604, Vol. 37, Nº 4, 2000, pág. 626
Day, R.A.: How to Write & Publish a Scientific Paper. 5^t^hEd
Z. Sestak
Photosynthetica, ISSN 0300-3604, Vol. 37, Nº 4, 2000, pág. 632
Z. Sestak
Photosynthetica, ISSN 0300-3604, Vol. 37, Nº 4, 2000, pág. 638
Siegenthaler, P.-A., Murata, N. (ed.): Lipids in Photosynthesis: Structure, Function and Genetics
Z. Sestak
Photosynthetica, ISSN 0300-3604, Vol. 37, Nº 1, 2000, pág. 32
Britton, G., Liaaen-Jensen, S., Pfander, H. (ed.): Carotenoids. Vol. 3: Biosynthesis and Metabolism
Z. Sestak
Photosynthetica, ISSN 0300-3604, Vol. 37, Nº 1, 2000, pág. 60
Bibliography of reviews and methods of photosynthesis - 82
Z. Sestak, J. Catsky
Photosynthetica, ISSN 0300-3604, Vol. 37, Nº 1, 2000, págs. 131-160
Z. Sestak
Photosynthetica, ISSN 0300-3604, Vol. 37, Nº 1, 2000, págs. 238-248
Bibliography of reviews and methods of photosynthesis - 83
J. Catsky, Z. Sestak
Photosynthetica, ISSN 0300-3604, Vol. 38, Nº 2, 2000, págs. 291-320
Z. Sestak
Photosynthetica, ISSN 0300-3604, Vol. 38, Nº 1, 2000, pág. 36
Graber, P., Milazzo, G. (ed.): Bioenergetics
Z. Sestak
Photosynthetica, ISSN 0300-3604, Vol. 38, Nº 1, 2000, pág. 82
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