Periodo de publicación recogido
My kind of countryside: finding design principles in the land, by Roger G. Courtenay
Peter Jacobs
Landscape architecture, ISSN 0023-8031, Vol. 101, Nº 11, 2011, págs. 188-188
Grounded: the work of Phillips Farevaag Smallenberg, edited by Kelty McKinnon
Peter Jacobs
Landscape architecture, ISSN 0023-8031, Vol. 101, Nº 6, 2011, págs. 118-118
From art to landscape: unleashing creativity in garden design, by W. Gary Smith
Peter Jacobs
Landscape architecture, ISSN 0023-8031, Vol. 101, Nº 4, 2011, págs. 130-130
Peter Jacobs
Landscape architecture, ISSN 0023-8031, Vol. 100, Nº 11, 2010, pág. 128
Guido Hager: on landscape architecture, by Gido Hager
Peter Jacobs
Landscape architecture, ISSN 0023-8031, Vol. 100, Nº 7, 2010, págs. 116-117
Aridscapes: designing in harsh and fragile lands, by Shlomo Aronson
Peter Jacobs
Landscape architecture, ISSN 0023-8031, Vol. 100, Nº 1, 2010, págs. 104-104
Dan Kiley landscapes: the poetry of space, edited by Reuben M. Rainey and Marc Treib
Peter Jacobs
Landscape architecture, ISSN 0023-8031, Vol. 99, Nº 12, 2009, págs. 104-104
An artful experiment: in probing the idea of the garden, we look at 10 seasons of the International Garden Festival at les Jardins de Métis, Grand-Métis, in Quebec, Canada
Bernard St-Denis, Peter Jacobs
Landscape architecture, ISSN 0023-8031, Vol. 99, Nº 11, 2009, págs. 92-101
Nature over again: the garden art of Ian Hamilton Finlay, by John Dixon Hunt
Peter Jacobs
Landscape architecture, ISSN 0023-8031, Vol. 99, Nº 9, 2009, págs. 158-159
The inclusive city: design solutions for buiildings, neighborhoods, and urban spaces, edited by Susan Goltsman and Daniel Lacofano
Peter Jacobs
Landscape architecture, ISSN 0023-8031, Vol. 99, Nº 7, 2009, págs. 108-108
An esthetic of process: in Rio de Janeiro, a landscape architect heals 16 kilometers of degraded coastline
Peter Jacobs
Landscape architecture, ISSN 0023-8031, Vol. 96, Nº 5, 2006, pág. 72
Peter Jacobs, Bernard St-Denis
Landscape architecture, ISSN 0023-8031, Vol. 95, Nº 11, 2005, págs. 94-102
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