InstitucionesPeriodo de publicación recogido
Infrapolitics and experience beyond the fetishism of Left-Wing Melancholia: on reading Eduardo Ruiz Sosa’s Anatomía de la memoria
Gareth Williams
Bulletin of Spanish Studies, ISSN-e 1478-3428, ISSN 1475-3820, Vol. 100, Nº 9-10, 2023 (Ejemplar dedicado a: The Bulletin of Spanish Studies 1923–2023. A Centenary Number), págs. 1613-1636
A passion for nature: Seneca's natural questions and Hippolytus in His Phaedra
Gareth Williams
Maia: Rivista di letterature classiche, ISSN 0025-0538, Vol. 69, Nº 2, 2017, págs. 312-325
El subalterno manufacturado: Cantinflas y la conciencia melodramática (julio-agosto 1937)
Gareth Williams
Prosopopeya: revista de crítica contemporánea, ISSN 1575-8141, Nº. 7, 2011-2012, págs. 15-46
Seneca on comets and ancient comentary theory in natural questions 7
Gareth Williams
Ramus: Critical studies in greek and roman literature, ISSN 0048-671X, Vol. 36, Nº. 2, 2007, págs. 97-117
Gareth Williams
Apollo: The international magazine of arts, ISSN 0003-6536, Nº. 530, 2006, págs. 49-53
Gareth Williams
American journal of philology, ISSN 0002-9475, Vol. 126, Nº 3, 2005, págs. 417-450
Interactions: Physics, Morality, and Narrative in Seneca Natural Questions 1
Gareth Williams
Classical Philology, ISSN-e 1546-072X, ISSN 0009-837X, Vol. 100, Nº. 2, 2005, págs. 142-165
Chinbote and the Shores of "indigenismo": Biopolitics and Bare Life in "El zorro de arriba y el zorro de abajo"
Gareth Williams
Revista de estudios hispánicos, ISSN 0034-818X, Vol. 38, Nº 1, 2004, págs. 43-68
The need for a focused approach: a case study
Gareth Williams, Deborah Aldred
Links & letters, ISSN 1133-7397, Nº 7, 2000 (Ejemplar dedicado a: Autonomy in second language learning), págs. 81-93
From populism to neoliberalism: formalities of identoty, citizenship, and consumption in contemporary
Gareth Williams
Dispositio / n: American journal of cultural histories and theories, ISSN 0734-0591, Nº 49, 1997 (Ejemplar dedicado a: The cultural practice of latin americanism I), págs. 13-42
Writing in the mother-tongue: hermione and Helen in Heroides 8 (a Tomitan approach): hermione and Helen in Heroides 8 (a Tomitan approach)
Gareth Williams
Ramus: Critical studies in greek and roman literature, ISSN 0048-671X, Vol. 26, Nº 2, 1997, págs. 113-137
Bajo la ley se esconde algo que no es bonito: apuntes para la infra-universidad
Gareth Williams
La universidad (im)posible / William Thayer Morel (ed. lit.), Elizabeth Collingwood-Selby Ojeda (ed. lit.), Mary Luz Estupiñán Serrano (ed. lit.), Raúl Rodríguez Freire (ed. lit.), 2018, ISBN 978-956-7062-88-1, págs. 103-112
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