Periodo de publicación recogido
Olivia Judson
National geographic, ISSN 1138-1434, Vol. 39, Nº. 5 (NOV), 2016, págs. 38-57
Vaya pájaro: en el norte de Australia, el casuario ejerce un papel crucial en la conformación del bosque
Olivia Judson
National geographic, ISSN 1138-1434, Vol. 33, Nº. 4 (OCT), 2013, págs. 50-67
Monte Erebus, fuego en la Antártida
Olivia Judson
National geographic, ISSN 1138-1434, Vol. 31, Nº. 1, 2012, págs. 64-105
Sticky Fingers: Fingerprints are one of the oldest biometric measures of identifiy. What do we actually know about them?.
Olivia Judson
Natural history, ISSN 0028-0712, Vol. 117, Nº. 10 (DIC-ENE), 2009, págs. 16-20
Seeing the light: We humans pride ourselves on our color vision. Yet compared with many other animals, we are visual pipsqueaks.
Olivia Judson
Natural history, ISSN 0028-0712, Vol. 118, Nº. 3 (ABR), 2009, págs. 14-18
Hiber Nation: Understanding how creatures put their lives on hold could yield therapies for a variety of human ills.
Olivia Judson
Natural history, ISSN 0028-0712, Vol. 116, Nº. 10 (DIC-ENE), 2008, págs. 16-19
Power-plant meltdowns: Our mitochondiral DNA is implicated in maladies ranging from blindness and infertility to cancer and dementia.
Olivia Judson
Natural history, ISSN 0028-0712, Vol. 117, Nº. 7 (SEP), 2008, págs. 16-20
Chromosomagnon Man: What's a chromosome or two among friends?.
Olivia Judson
Natural history, ISSN 0028-0712, Vol. 117, Nº. 5 (JUN), 2008, págs. 17-20
Inside the Code: Our DNA contains layers of "extra" information that constrains the direction evolution can take.
Olivia Judson
Natural history, ISSN 0028-0712, Vol. 117, Nº. 2 (MAR), 2008, págs. 31-34
A Human Cell in Sheep's Clothing: Biologists in Nevada are gambling that sheep can grow spare body parts for people.
Olivia Judson
Natural history, ISSN 0028-0712, Vol. 116, Nº. 6 (JUL-AGO), 2007, págs. 18-42
Olivia Judson
Nature: International weekly journal of science, ISSN 0028-0836, Vol. 365, Nº 6441, 1993, págs. 15-16
Consultorio sexual para todas las especies: introducción a la Biología evolutiva del sexo
Olivia Judson
Barcelona : Crítica, 2004. ISBN 84-8432-571-7
Ha sido reseñado en:
Carlos López-Fanjul de Argüelles
Revista de libros, ISSN 1137-2249, ISSN-e 2445-2483, Nº. 105, 2005, págs. 26-27
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