Identificadores de autorPeriodo de publicación recogido
"Lighting out": place, space, and the question of the modern in "Don Quijote"
Theresa Ann Sears
Cervantes: Bulletin of the Cervantes Society of America, ISSN-e 0277-6995, Vol. 27, Nº. 2, 2007, págs. 105-123
Sight unseen: blindness, form and reform in the Spanish picaresque novel
Theresa Ann Sears
Bulletin of Spanish Studies, ISSN-e 1478-3428, ISSN 1475-3820, Vol. 80, Nº 5, 2003, págs. 531-543
"A man with No Name": A contrarian Reading of One version of Don Juan in the Twenty-first Century
Theresa Ann Sears
Bulletin of the Comediantes, ISSN 0007-5108, Vol. 55, Nº 2, 2003, págs. 97-116
'Morality vs. Tragedy: Lope Rehabilitates Celestina in "El Caballero de Olmedo"'
Theresa Ann Sears
Celestinesca, ISSN-e 2695-7183, ISSN 0147-3085, Vol. 24, Nº 1-2, 2000, págs. 47-56
Rhetorical torture: The De(con)struction of the Feminine Body in Celestina and La lozana andaluza
Theresa Ann Sears
Revista de estudios hispánicos, ISSN 0034-818X, Vol. 32, Nº 3, 1998, págs. 573-586
Like father, Like Son: The Paternal Perverse in Lope's "El castigo sin venganza"
Theresa Ann Sears
Bulletin of Hispanic Studies ( Liverpool. 1996 ), ISSN 1367-9376, Vol. 73, Nº. 2, 1996, págs. 129-142
"Echado de tierra": exile and the psychopolitical landscape in the "Poema de mio Cid"
Theresa Ann Sears
Newark (Delaware) : Juan de la Cuesta, cop. 1998. ISBN 0-936388-10-2
A marriage of convenience: ideal and ideology in the Novelas ejemplares
Theresa Ann Sears
New York : P. Lang, cop. 1993. ISBN 0820419060
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