InstitucionesPeriodo de publicación recogido
Encounters with a future past: navigating the shifting urban atmospheres of place
David Adams, Myles Smith, Peter J. Larkham, Jannah Abidin
Journal of urban design, ISSN 1357-4809, ISSN-e 1469-9664, Nº. 25, 3, 2020, págs. 308-327
Planning in Britain during and immediately after the Second World War: planners, processes and plans
Peter J. Larkham
Storia urbana, ISSN 0391-2248, Vol. 41, Nº. 158, 2018, págs. 35-59
Viewpoint Re-evaluating the place of urban planning history
David Adams, Peter J. Larkham, Kathy Pain
The Town Planning Review, ISSN-e 1478-341X, Vol. 86, Nº. 4, 2015, págs. 373-380
The rise of the "food charter": A mechanism to increase urban agriculture
Michael Hardman, Peter J. Larkham
Land use policy: The International Journal Covering All Aspects of Land Use, ISSN 0264-8377, ISSN-e 1873-5754, Nº. 39, 2014, págs. 400-402
Peter J. Larkham, JOE L. NASR
Urban history, ISSN-e 1469-8706, Vol. 39, Num. 2, 2012, págs. 285-309
Sense of Place, Authenticity and Character: A Commentary
Peter J. Larkham, Gunila Jivén
Journal of urban design, ISSN 1357-4809, ISSN-e 1469-9664, Nº. 8, 1, 2003, págs. 67-81
Urban Design in Wales: Confusions of Policy, Problems of Practice
Peter J. Larkham, Jill Fairweather
Journal of urban design, ISSN 1357-4809, ISSN-e 1469-9664, Nº. 5, 3, 2000, págs. 339-350
Urban design, urban quality and the quality of life: Reviewing the department of the environment's urban design campaign
David Chapman, Peter J. Larkham
Journal of urban design, ISSN 1357-4809, ISSN-e 1469-9664, Nº. 4, 2, 1999, págs. 211-232
Designating conservation areas: Patterns in time and space
Peter J. Larkham
Journal of urban design, ISSN 1357-4809, ISSN-e 1469-9664, Nº. 1, 3, 1996, págs. 315-327
History and heritage: the reconstruction of blitzed cities
Peter J. Larkham
European planning history in the 20th century: a continent of urban planning / coord. por Max Welch Guerra, Abdellah Abarkan, María A. Castrillo Romón, Martin Pekár, 2023, ISBN 9781032222271, págs. 139-152
Disasters: recovery, re-planning, reconstruction and resilience
Peter J. Larkham
The Routledge Handbook of Planning History / coord. por Carola Hein, 2018, ISBN 9781138856981, págs. 428-440
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