Periodo de publicación recogido
A gap theorem of self-shrinkers
Qing-Ming Cheng, Guoxin Wei
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, ISSN 0002-9947, Vol. 367, Nº 7, 2015, págs. 4895-4915
A lower bound for eigenvalues of the poly-Laplacian with arbitrary order
Qing-Ming Cheng, Xuerong Qi, Guoxin Wei
Pacific journal of mathematics, ISSN 0030-8730, Vol. 262, Nº 1, 2013, págs. 35-47
Some applications of Bochner formula to submanifolds of a unit sphere
Guoxin Wei
Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen, ISSN 0033-3883, Tomus 78, Fasc. 3-4, 2011, págs. 625-631
Integral formulas for closed spacelike hypersurfaces in anti-de Sitter space "H_1^{n+1}(-1)"
Guoxin Wei, Qiuli Liu, Young Jin Suh
Czechoslovak mathematical journal, ISSN 0011-4642, Vol. 59, Nº 2, 2009, págs. 343-351
New examples of Willmore hypersurfaces in a sphere
Guoxin Wei
Houston journal of mathematics, ISSN 0362-1588, Vol. 35, Nº 1, 2009, págs. 81-92
Complete spacelike hypersurfaces in anti-de Sitter space H1n+1(-1)
Young Jin Suh, Guoxin Wei
Houston journal of mathematics, ISSN 0362-1588, Vol. 35, Nº 1, 2009, págs. 93-102
New examples of Wr-minimal hypersurfaces in a sphere 373-388
Guoxin Wei
Pacific journal of mathematics, ISSN 0030-8730, Vol. 236, Nº 2, 2008, págs. 373-388
Rigidity Theorem for Hypersurfaces in a Unit Sphere
Guoxin Wei
Monatshefte für mathematik, ISSN 0026-9255, Vol. 149, Nº 4, 2006, págs. 343-350
Complete Hypersurfaces with Constant Mean Curvature in a Unit Sphere
Guoxin Wei
Monatshefte für mathematik, ISSN 0026-9255, Vol. 149, Nº 3, 2006, págs. 251-258
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