Periodo de publicación recogido
Privacy is more than just a seven-letter word: : The Court of Justice of the European Union sets constitutional limits on mass surveillance: Court of justice of the european union decision of 8 april 2014 in joined cases c-293/12 and c-594/12, digital rights ireland and seitlinger and others
Tuomas Ojanen
European Constitutional Law Review, ISSN-e 1574-0196, Vol. 10, Nº. 3, 2014, págs. 528-541
Rights-based constitutionalism in Finland and the development of pluralist constitutional review
Juha Lavapuro, Tuomas Ojanen, Martin Scheinin
International journal of constitutional law, ISSN 1474-2640, Vol. 9, Nº. 2, 2011, págs. 505-531
The Impact of EU Membership on Finnish Constitutional Law
Tuomas Ojanen
European public law, ISSN 1354-3725, Vol. 10, Nº. 3, 2004, págs. 531-564
Finland: Intermediate constitutional review in Finland: promising in theory, problematic in practice
Juha Lavapuro, Tuomas Ojanen, Martin Scheinin
Rights-based constitutional review: Constitutional courts in a changing landscape / John Bell (ed. lit.), Marie-Luce Paris (ed. lit.), 2016, ISBN 9781784717612, págs. 218-243
Constitutional amendment in Finland
Tuomas Ojanen
Engineering Constitutional Change: A comparative perspective on Europe, Canada and the USA / Xenophon Contiades (ed. lit.), 2012, ISBN 978-0-415-52976-1, págs. 93-113
The European Constitution in the Far North, in a Country Called Suomi
Tuomas Ojanen
The European Constitution and national constitutions : ratification and beyond / coord. por Anneli Albi, Jacques Ziller, 2007, ISBN 90-411-2524-8, págs. 89-100
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