Periodo de publicación recogido
On the relative dual of an S1-gerbe over an orbifold
Ilya Shapiro, Xiang Tang, Hsian-Hua Tseng
Advances in mathematics, ISSN 0001-8708, Vol. 270, Nº 1, 2015, págs. 1-20
The localized longitudinal index theorem for Lie groupoids and the van Est map
Markus J. Pflaum, Hessel Posthuma, Xiang Tang
Advances in mathematics, ISSN 0001-8708, Vol. 270, Nº 1, 2015, págs. 223-262
Duality theorems for étale gerbes on orbifolds
Xiang Tang, Hsian-Hua Tseng
Advances in mathematics, ISSN 0001-8708, Vol. 250, Nº 1, 2014, págs. 496-569
FP-injectivity relative to a semidualizing bimodule
Xiang Tang
Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen, ISSN 0033-3883, Tomus 80, Fasc. 3-4, 2012, págs. 311-326
Cyclic cocycles on deformation quantizations and higher index theorems
Markus J. Pflaum, Hessel Posthuma, Xiang Tang
Advances in mathematics, ISSN 0001-8708, Vol. 223, Nº 6, 2010, págs. 1958-2021
Quantization of Poisson-Hopf stacks associated with group Lie bialgebras
Gilles Halbout, Xiang Tang
Pacific journal of mathematics, ISSN 0030-8730, Vol. 245, Nº 1, 2010, págs. 99-118
Noncommutative Poisson structures on orbifolds
Gilles Halbout, Xiang Tang
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, ISSN 0002-9947, Vol. 362, Nº 5, 2010, págs. 2249-2277
Gelfand-Fuchs cohomology of invariant formal vector fields
Ilya Shapiro, Xiang Tang
Mathematical research letters, ISSN 1073-2780, Vol. 15, Nº 1, 2008, págs. 129-148
Rankin-Cohen brackets and formal quantization
Pierre Bieliavsky, Xiang Tang, Yijun Yao
Advances in mathematics, ISSN 0001-8708, Vol. 212, Nº 1, 2007, págs. 293-314
Poisson geometry and deformation quantization near a strictly pseudoconvex boundary
Eric Leichtnam, Xiang Tang, Alan Weinstein
Journal of the European Mathematical Society, ISSN 1435-9855, Vol. 9, Nº 4, 2007, págs. 681-704
Xiang Tang, Alan Weinstein, Chenchang Zhu
Pacific journal of mathematics, ISSN 0030-8730, Vol. 231, Nº 1, 2007, págs. 193-216
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