Periodo de publicación recogido
A very german cultural war: Migrants and the law
Achilles Skordas
Zeitschrift für ausländisches öfentliches Recht und Völkerrecht, ZAORV = Heidelberg Journal of International Law, HJIL, ISSN 0044-2348, Vol. 79, Nº 4, 2019, págs. 923-934
The Rise of the Neo-Hobbesian Age: Thirty Years Since the Fall of the Berlin Wall
Achilles Skordas
Zeitschrift für ausländisches öfentliches Recht und Völkerrecht, ZAORV = Heidelberg Journal of International Law, HJIL, ISSN 0044-2348, Vol. 79, Nº 3, 2019, págs. 469-479
A Westphalia for the Islamic wolrd?
Achilles Skordas
Zeitschrift für ausländisches öfentliches Recht und Völkerrecht, ZAORV = Heidelberg Journal of International Law, HJIL, ISSN 0044-2348, Vol. 79, Nº 2, 2019, págs. 195-204
Introduction - The Kantian Project of International Law: Engagements with Jürgen Habermas' The Divided West
Achilles Skordas, Peer Zumbansen
German Law Journal, ISSN-e 2071-8322, Vol. 10, Nº. 1, 2009, págs. 1-4
Achilles Skordas
European journal of international law = Journal europeen de droit international, ISSN 0938-5428, Vol. 19, Nº 4, 2008 (Ejemplar dedicado a: Marking the Universal Declaration's 60th anniversary: A Human Rights Symposium), págs. 864-866
Achilles Skordas
German Law Journal, ISSN-e 2071-8322, Vol. 8, Nº. 11, 2007, págs. 1110-1120
Achilles Skordas, Meltem Ineli-Ciger
The 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees and its 1967 Protocol 2e (2nd Edition) / coord. por Andreas Zimmermann, Terje Einarsen, Franziska M Herrmann, 2024, ISBN 9780192855114, págs. 779-792
Article 7 (Exemption from Reciprocity/Dispense de Réciprocité)
Achilles Skordas, Meltem Ineli-Ciger
The 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees and its 1967 Protocol 2e (2nd Edition) / coord. por Andreas Zimmermann, Terje Einarsen, Franziska M Herrmann, 2024, ISBN 9780192855114, págs. 801-840
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