Periodo de publicación recogido
Epistemic irrelevance in credal nets: The case of imprecise Markov trees
Gert de Cooman, Filip Hermans, Alessandro Antonucci, Marco Zaffalon
International journal of approximate reasoning, ISSN 0888-613X, Vol. 51, Nº 9, 2010, págs. 1029-1052
Representation insensitivity in immediate prediction under exchangeability
Gert de Cooman, Enrique Miranda Menéndez, Erik Quaeghebeur
International journal of approximate reasoning, ISSN 0888-613X, Vol. 50, Nº 2, 2009, págs. 204-216
Learning in games using the imprecise Dirichlet model
Erik Quaeghebeur, Gert de Cooman
International journal of approximate reasoning, ISSN 0888-613X, Vol. 50, Nº 2, 2009, págs. 243-256
Marginal extension in the theory of coherent lower previsions
Enrique Miranda Menéndez, Gert de Cooman
International journal of approximate reasoning, ISSN 0888-613X, Vol. 46, Nº 1, 2007, págs. 188-225
Dynamic programming for deterministic discrete-time systems with uncertain gain
Gert de Cooman, Matthias C.M. Troffaes
International journal of approximate reasoning, ISSN 0888-613X, Vol. 39, Nº 2, 2005, págs. 257-278
Epistemic independence in numerical possibility theory
Enrique Miranda Menéndez, Gert de Cooman
International journal of approximate reasoning, ISSN 0888-613X, Vol. 32, Nº 1, 2003, págs. 23-42
The Use of Linguistic Terms in Database Models
R. Groenemans, E. Etienne Kerre, Gert de Cooman, E. van Ranst
Sixth International Conference IPMU : Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems: Proceedings, july 1-5, Granada, España, Vol. 3, 1996, ISBN 8482540793, págs. 1295-1300
On the Coherence of Supremum Preserving Upper Previsions
Gert de Cooman, Dirk Aeyels
Sixth International Conference IPMU : Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems: Proceedings, july 1-5, Granada, España, Vol. 3, 1996, ISBN 8482540793, págs. 1405-1410
First Results for a Mathematical Theory of Possibilistic Markov Processes
Hugo Janssen, Gert de Cooman, E. Etienne Kerre
Sixth International Conference IPMU : Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems: Proceedings, july 1-5, Granada, España, Vol. 3, 1996, ISBN 8482540793, págs. 1425-1432
Implicator and Complicator Integrals
Gert de Cooman, Bernard de Baets
Sixth International Conference IPMU : Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems: Proceedings, july 1-5, Granada, España, Vol. 3, 1996, ISBN 8482540793, págs. 1433-1438
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