Periodo de publicación recogido
The Juridical Basis of Frustration Revisited
Gerard McMeel
Lloyd's maritime and commercial law quarterly, ISSN 0306-2945, Nº. 2, 2020, págs. 297-310
A new financial Court for London
Gerard McMeel
Lloyd's maritime and commercial law quarterly, ISSN 0306-2945, Nº. 1, 2016, págs. 1-5
Joint and accessory liability for wrongs in private law
Gerard McMeel
Lloyd's maritime and commercial law quarterly, ISSN 0306-2945, Nº. 1, 2016, págs. 29-33
Documentary fundamentalism in the Senior Courts: the myth of contractual estoppel
Gerard McMeel
Lloyd's maritime and commercial law quarterly, ISSN 0306-2945, Nº. 2, 2011, págs. 185-207
Conduct of banking business brought into the FSA fold
Gerard McMeel
Lloyd's maritime and commercial law quarterly, ISSN 0306-2945, Nº. 3, 2010, págs. 431-452
Withdrawals under time charters-right to claim for post-termination services: contract, unjust enrichement or bailment? (The Kos)
Gerard McMeel
Lloyd's maritime and commercial law quarterly, ISSN 0306-2945, Nº. 2, 2010, págs. 226-232
Bailment: fertility and the forms of action (Yearworth v. North Bristol NHS Trust)
Gerard McMeel
Lloyd's maritime and commercial law quarterly, ISSN 0306-2945, Nº. 1, 2010, págs. 22-27
Arbitration agreements: construction and distinctiveness- a new dawn?
Gerard McMeel
Lloyd's maritime and commercial law quarterly, ISSN 0306-2945, Nº. 3, 2007, págs. 292-295
"Straight" bills of lading in the house of lords: the Rafaela s
Gerard McMeel
Lloyd's maritime and commercial law quarterly, ISSN 0306-2945, Nº. 3, 2005, págs. 273-280
The FSA's insurance conduct of business regime: a revolution in (consumer) insurance law?: a revolution in (consumer) insurance law?
Gerard McMeel
Lloyd's maritime and commercial law quarterly, ISSN 0306-2945, Nº 2, 2005, pág. 186
The modern law of assignment: public policy and contractual restrictions on transferability: public policy and contractual restrictions on transferability
Gerard McMeel
Lloyd's maritime and commercial law quarterly, ISSN 0306-2945, Nº 4, 2004, pág. 483
The modern law of assignment: public policy and contractual restrictions on transferability: public policy and contractual restrictions on transferability
Gerard McMeel
Lloyd's maritime and commercial law quarterly, ISSN 0306-2945, Nº 1, 2004, pág. 483
Gerard McMeel
Lloyd's maritime and commercial law quarterly, ISSN 0306-2945, Nº 2, 2003, pág. 169
United Kingdom insurance decisions 1999
Gerard McMeel
Lloyd's maritime and commercial law quarterly, ISSN 0306-2945, Nº 4, 2000, págs. 555-582
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