Periodo de publicación recogido
LILIEMA: a sustainable educational programme promoting African languages and multilingualism according to the social realities of speakers and writers
Miriam Weidl, Friederike Lüpke, Alpha Naby Mané, Jérémi Fahed Sagna
Journal of multilingual and multicultural development, ISSN 0143-4632, Vol. 44, Nº. 9, 2023 (Ejemplar dedicado a: African Languages in Public spaces: Opportunities and challenges), págs. 827-845
Patterns and perspectives shape perceptions: Epistemological and methodological reflections on the study of small-scale multilingualism
Friederike Lüpke
International Journal of Bilingualism: interdisciplinary studies of multilingual behaviour, ISSN 1367-0069, Vol. 25, Nº. 4, 2021 (Ejemplar dedicado a: Typology of small-scale multilingualism), págs. 878-900
The writing’s on the wall: spaces for language-independent and language-based literacies
Friederike Lüpke
International journal of multilingualism, ISSN 1479-0718, Vol. 17, Nº. 3, 2020 (Ejemplar dedicado a: Multilingual literacy practices - global perspectives on visuality, materiality and creativity), págs. 382-403
It's a split, but is it unaccusativity?: two classes of intransitive verbs in Jalonke
Friederike Lüpke
Studies in language: International Journal Sponsored by The Foundation "Foundations of Language", ISSN 0378-4177, Vol. 31, Nº 3, 2007, págs. 525-568
Standardization in Highly Multilingual National Contexts:: The Shifting Interpretations, Limited Reach and Great Symbolic Power of Ethnonationalist Visions
Friederike Lüpke
The Cambridge handbook of language standardization / coord. por Wendy Ayres-Bennett, John Bellamy, 2021, ISBN 1-108-64007-9
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