Periodo de publicación recogido
Domains for Dirac–Coulomb min-max levels
María J. Esteban, Mathieu Lewin, Eric Séré
Revista matemática iberoamericana, ISSN 0213-2230, Vol. 35, Nº 3, 2019, págs. 877-924
Derivation of Hartree's theory for generic mean-field Bose systems
Mathieu Lewin, Pham Thành Nam, Nicolas Rougerie
Advances in mathematics, ISSN 0001-8708, Vol. 254, Nº 1, 2014, págs. 570-621
Limite de champ moyen et condensation de Bose-Einstein
Mathieu Lewin
Gazette des Mathematiciens, ISSN 0224-8999, Nº. 139, 2014, págs. 35-50
A positive density analogue of the Lieb�Thirring inequality
Rupert L. Frank, Mathieu Lewin, Elliott H. Lieb, Robert Seiringer
Duke Mathematical Journal, ISSN 0012-7094, Vol. 162, Nº. 3, 2013, págs. 435-495
Mean-field models for disordered crystals
Eric Cancès, Salma Lahbabi, Mathieu Lewin
Journal des mathématiques pures et appliqués, ISSN 0021-7824, Vol. 100, Nº. 2, 2013, págs. 241-274
Spectral pollution and how to avoid it
Mathieu Lewin, Éric Séré
Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, ISSN 0024-6115, Vol. 100, Nº 3, 2010, págs. 864-900
The thermodynamic limit of quantum Coulomb systems: part I. General theory
Christian Hainzl, Mathieu Lewin, Jan Philip Solovej
Advances in mathematics, ISSN 0001-8708, Vol. 221, Nº 2, 2009, págs. 454-487
The termodynamic limit of quantum Coulomb systems: part II. Applications
Christian Hainzl, Mathieu Lewin, Jan Philip Solovej
Advances in mathematics, ISSN 0001-8708, Vol. 221, Nº 2, 2009, págs. 488-546
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