InstitucionesPeriodo de publicación recogido
No arbitrage without semimartingales.
Robert A. Jarrow, Philip Protter, Hasanjan Sayit
Annals of applied probability: an official journal of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics, ISSN 1050-5164, Vol. 19, Nº. 2, 2009, págs. 596-616
Large traders, hidden arbitrage, and complete markets
Robert A. Jarrow, Philip Protter
Journal of banking and finance, ISSN 0378-4266, Vol. 29, Nº. 11, 2005, págs. 2803-2820
Mathematics for Finance: An Introduction to Financial Engineering
Philip Protter
American mathematical monthly, ISSN 0002-9890, Vol. 111, Nº 10, 2004, págs. 923-926
Liquidity Risk and Arbitrage Pricing Theory
Umut Çetin, Robert A. Jarrow, Philip Protter
Handbook of quantitative finance and risk management / coord. por Cheng-Few Lee, Alice C. Lee, John C. Lee, 2010, ISBN 978-0-387-77117-5, págs. 1007-1024
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