Periodo de publicación recogido
Textile production and technological changes in the Archaic societies of Magna Graecia: the case of Torre di Satriano (Lucania, Italy)
Alessandro Quercia
Origini: Preistoria e protostoria delle civiltà antiche, ISSN 0474-6805, Nº. 40, 2018
Pots, piracy and Aegila: Hellenistic ceramics from an intensive survey of Antikythera, Greece
Alan Johnston, Alessandro Quercia, A. Tsaravopoulos, A. Bevan, J. Conolly
Annual of the British School at Athens, ISSN 0068-2454, Nº. 107, 2012, págs. 247-272
Roman pottery from an intensive survey of Antikythera, Greece
Alessandro Quercia, A. Johnston, A. Bevan, J. Conolly, A. Tsaravopoulos
Annual of the British School at Athens, ISSN 0068-2454, Nº. 106, 2011, págs. 47-98
Alessandro Quercia
Redefining ancient textile handcraft structures, tools and production processes: proceedings of the VIIth International Symposium on Textiles and Dyes in the Ancient Mediterranean World (Granada, Spain 2-4 October 2019) / coord. por Macarena de los Santos Bustamante Álvarez, Elena Henriette Sánchez López, Javier Jiménez Avila, 2020, ISBN 978-84-338-6776-6, págs. 265-275
Textile production in Roman Piedmont (Italy): The case of Castiglione Torinese
Alessandro Quercia
Redefining ancient textile handcraft structures, tools and production processes: proceedings of the VIIth International Symposium on Textiles and Dyes in the Ancient Mediterranean World (Granada, Spain 2-4 October 2019) / coord. por Macarena de los Santos Bustamante Álvarez, Elena Henriette Sánchez López, Javier Jiménez Avila, 2020, ISBN 978-84-338-6776-6, págs. 325-331
Weaving during th Archaic period in South Italy: two key studies
Alessandro Quercia
Textiles and dyes in the mediterranean economy and society: proceedings of the VIth International Symposium on Textiles and Dyes in the Ancient Mediterranean World (Padova - Este - Altino, Italy 17 - 20 October 2016) / Maria Stella Busana (ed. lit.), Margarita Gleba (ed. lit.), Francesco Meo (ed. lit.), Ana Rosa Tricomi (ed. lit.), 2018, ISBN 9788479561796, págs. 145-156
A Framework for Transforming Archaeological Databases to Linked Ontological Datasets
Yi Hong, Monica Solanki, Lin Foxhall, Alessandro Quercia
CAA2010. Fusion of cultures: proceedings of the 38th Annual Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology. Granada, Spain, April 2010 / coord. por Francisco Contreras Cortés, Mercedes Farjas Abadía, J. Melero, 2013, ISBN 9781407311081, págs. 569-584
La grotte de Santa Maria di Agnano (Ostuni) et ses abords: à propos des critères d'identification d'un sanctuaire messapien
Donato Coppola, Martine Denoyelle, Martine Dewailly, Ivana Fusco, Sébastien Lepetz, Alessandro Quercia, William van Andringa, Thierry Van Compernolle, Stéphane Verger
Saturnia Tellus: definizioni dello spazio consacrato in ambiente etrusco, italico, fenicio-punico, iberico e celtico : atti del convegno internazionale svoltosi a Roma dal 10 al 12 novembre 2004 / coord. por Xavier Dupré Raventós, Sergio Ribichini, Stéphane Verger, 2008, ISBN 978-88-8080-095-8, págs. 201-232
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