Periodo de publicación recogido
Symplectic automorphisms of K3 surfaces of arbitrary finite order
Daniel Huybrechts
Mathematical research letters, ISSN 1073-2780, Vol. 19, Nº 4, 2012, págs. 947-951
Stability conditions via spherical objects
Daniel Huybrechts
Mathematische zeitschrift, ISSN 0025-5874, Vol. 271, Nº. 3-4, 2012, págs. 1253-1270
Formal deformations and their categorical general fibre
Daniel Huybrechts, Emanuele Macrì, Paolo Stellari
Commentarii mathematici helvetici, ISSN 0010-2571, Vol. 86, Nº 1, 2011, págs. 41-71
Remarks on derived equivalences of Ricci-flat manifolds
Daniel Huybrechts, Marc Nieper-Wisskirchen
Mathematische zeitschrift, ISSN 0025-5874, Vol. 267, Nº. 3-4, 2011, págs. 939-963
Chow groups of K3 surfaces and spherical objects
Daniel Huybrechts
Journal of the European Mathematical Society, ISSN 1435-9855, Vol. 12, Nº 6, 2010, págs. 1533-1551
Deformation-obstruction theory for complexes via Atiyah and Kodaira-Spencer classes
Daniel Huybrechts, Richard P. Thomas
Mathematische Annalen, ISSN 0025-5831, Vol. 346, Nº. 3, 2010, págs. 545-569
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