Periodo de publicación recogido
Translational Global Praxis: Rethinking Methods and Modes of African Urban Research.
Susan Parnell, Edgar Pieterse
International journal of urban and regional research, ISSN 0309-1317, Vol. 40, Nº. 1, 2016, págs. 236-246
Elite Compacts in Africa: The Role of Area-based Management in the New Governmentality of the Durban City-region.
Jo Beall, Susan Parnell, Chris Albertyn
International journal of urban and regional research, ISSN 0309-1317, Vol. 39, Nº. 2, 2015, págs. 390-406
Re)theorizing Cities from the Global South: Looking Beyond Neoliberalism
Susan Parnell, Jennifer Robinson
Urban geography, ISSN 0272-3638, Vol. 33, Nº. 4, 2012, págs. 593-617
The ‘Right to the City’: Institutional Imperatives of a Developmental State.
Susan Parnell, Edgar Pieterse
International journal of urban and regional research, ISSN 0309-1317, Vol. 34, Nº. 1, 2010, págs. 146-162
Le paysage des twonships à la fin de l'apartheid
Owen Crankshaw, Susan Parnell
Annales de la recherche urbaine, ISSN 0180-930X, Nº. 85, 1999, págs. 126-131
Africa's urban planning palimsest
Susan Parnell
The Routledge Handbook of Planning History / coord. por Carola Hein, 2018, ISBN 9781138856981, págs. 288-298
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