Periodo de publicación recogido
Quelles voices pour une réforme des comités d'entreprise européens
Isabelle Schömann, Niklas Franke, Christophe Teissier, Tatiana Wroclawska, Katarzyna Serafin
Revue de droit du travail, ISSN 1951-0152, Nº. 9, 2023, págs. 521-531
Simplifying EU law: the mirage of the new European Commission Better Regulation Agenda?
Isabelle Schömann
Lavoro e diritto, ISSN 1120-947X, Vol. 34, Nº. 3, 2020 (Ejemplar dedicado a: Europa 2020. Quo vadis?), págs. 463-474
Réformes du droit du licenciement en Europe: genèse et impact d'une flexibilisation programmée et exacerbée par la crise (seconde partie)
Isabelle Schömann
Revue de droit du travail, ISSN 1951-0152, Nº. 2, 2015, págs. 134-146
Réformes du droit du licenciement en Europe: genèse et impact d'une flexibilisation programmée et exarcerbée par la crise (première partie)
Isabelle Schömann
Revue de droit du travail, ISSN 1951-0152, Nº. 1, 2015, págs. 64-71
Europa condenada por Europa: las vías jurídicas contra la austeridad
Isabelle Schömann
Le Monde diplomatique en español, ISSN 1888-6434, Nº. 229, 2014, pág. 18
Temps de travail et travail atypique au coeur des réformes du droit du travail en Europe
Isabelle Schömann, Stefan Clauwaert
Revue de droit du travail, ISSN 1951-0152, Nº. 9, 2014, págs. 582-591
La crisis y las reformas de las legislaciones laborales nacionales en Europa
Stefan Clauwaert, Isabelle Schömann
Anuario de relaciones laborales en España, ISSN 2254-3112, Nº. 4, 2013, págs. 67-70
EU integration and EU initiatives on employee participation and social dialogue
Isabelle Schömann
Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research, ISSN 1024-2589, Vol. 17, Nº. 2, 2011, págs. 239-249
The Rise and Fall of the EU's Constitutional Treaty
Isabelle Schömann
Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research, ISSN 1024-2589, Vol. 15, Nº. 1, 2009, págs. 161-164
Corporate governance, workers' participation and CSR: the way to a good company
Norbert Kluge, Isabelle Schömann
Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research, ISSN 1024-2589, Vol. 14, Nº. 1, 2008, págs. 13-26
International framework agreements: new paths to workers' participation in multinationals' governance?
Isabelle Schömann, André Sobzack, Eckhard Voss, Peter Wilke
Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research, ISSN 1024-2589, Vol. 14, Nº. 1, 2008, págs. 111-126
Normes sociales, droit du travail et mondialisation: confrontations et mutations
Isabelle Schömann
Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research, ISSN 1024-2589, Vol. 14, Nº. 1, 2008, pág. 170
Les droits sociaux fondamentaux. Entre droits nationaux et droits européens
Isabelle Schömann
Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research, ISSN 1024-2589, Vol. 14, Nº. 1, 2008, pág. 171
Transnational collective bargaining in Europe: current situation, problems, prospects
Vera Glassner, Isabelle Schömann
Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research, ISSN 1024-2589, Vol. 14, Nº. 1, 2008, págs. 183-187
Isabelle Schömann
Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research, ISSN 1024-2589, Vol. 13, Nº. 3, 2007, págs. 526-530
A hard climb towards company democracy in Europe.: Implementation of the EU framework Directive 2002/14/EC on information and consultation at national level
Isabelle Schömann
Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research, ISSN 1024-2589, Vol. 12, Nº. 1, 2006, págs. 103-105
Social dialogue and concertation in the partner countries of the southern and eastern Mediterranean
Isabelle Schömann
Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research, ISSN 1024-2589, Vol. 9, Nº. 4, 2003, págs. 743-748
Isabelle Schömann
Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research, ISSN 1024-2589, Vol. 9, Nº. 2, 2003, págs. 356-361
Alternative dispute resolution procedures in labour issues: towards an EU mechanism?
Isabelle Schömann
Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research, ISSN 1024-2589, Vol. 8, Nº. 4, 2002, págs. 701-707
ETUC seminar 'European works councils and mergers', 27-28 May 2002, Brussels
Isabelle Schömann
Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research, ISSN 1024-2589, Vol. 8, Nº. 2, 2002, págs. 333-335
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